Gloria E. Tucker, DDS, and her Downtown Seattle Dentist dental practice, have been recommended as a Covid-safe provider of dentistry and dental services in Seattle, Washington. Here’s what the person recommending Dr. Tucker has to say about why they recommended her.
I want to recommend Dr. Gloria E. Tucker to be added to your Covid Safe Providers list.
She is a General Dentist in Downtown Seattle, WA.
She is a covid safe provider because:
She uses HEPA filters in every room
She wears PPE for Covid (Level 3 or N95 masks during aerosol producing procedures)
She uses “Pure Vac” suction during aerosol procedures like cleanings
Her office is a “boutique” style office, meaning she can dedicate her time per individual patient (1 patient per hour, especially upon request)
There is Covid screening at the door in the form of temperature check and questions regarding recent cold, flu, or vaccines, in the room at the beginning of appointments.
She has been so persistent and continued these precautions during the last 3 years of Covid!
Gloria E. Tucker, DDS
Downtown Seattle Dentist
509 Olive Way
Seattle, WA 98101
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