This site is for all of you Covid-cautious people who continue to try to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from both Covid and the ravages of long Covid. Come out from the shadows, we’re here and we see you!
For those of us at high risk for Covid, it can be stressful and disheartening enough trying to live a Covid-cautious life, let alone trying to find Covid-safe activities, Covid-safe services, Covid-safe dentists, Covid-safe medical offices, and providers, etc… So we decided to create a site to list those Covid-safe providers and Covid-safe services that we and others have found in our effort to stay safe and not catch Covid. is offered as an as-is informational listing place. We are not medical experts, and we make no representation as to any of the places listed here. Do your own due diligence about any of the providers that you find listed on this site before engaging with them! We do not check them out.
Covid Safe Providers was founded by attorney Anne P. Mitchell. Anne herself is at extremely high risk for both Covid and long Covid, as she is in four different high risk groups: asthma, age, a very rare AI condition, and a very sensitive brain chemistry (this last found out when she was discovered unconscious and, when revived, in a stroke-like state which turned out to be toxic metabolic encephalopathy; fortunately she made a full recovery but for obvious reasons she needs to avoid the impact of Covid and long Covid on the brain).
If you have encountered a service which is providing exceptional Covid safety, please let us know about it by sending your recommendation to us at the email address below (this is not for providers to add themselves, if you are a provider see here.) When recommending a provider please include as much information as you would like; we will use the content of your email (not your email address!) and your first name only to create a listing. Please email us at