Burlington Safe Tutoring has submitted themselves as a Covid-safe tutor in Burlington, Ontario Canada and also remotely online. Here’s why Sara, the owner of Burlington Safe Tutoring, has submitted them as a Covid-safe tutoring service.
“I am a former teacher with over 10 years experience (pre-school through grade four), and am certified OCT and with a Masters in Education. I am a language and science specialist but comfortable and have experience with all primary subjects,” which Sara says includes math, social studies, physical education, and computer science.
I am running in-person tutoring sessions out of my basement with 6 windows open on three walls, and two HEPA filters consistently running. I monitor CO2 and keep it below 600. I wear an N95 or elastomeric and children are required to mask. I also provide virtual consultations or virtual tutoring sessions. ”
Burlington Safe Tutoring
Walkers Line and New St.
Burlington, Ontario Canada
Contact by email
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