Dr. Tania Valez has been recommended as a Covid-safe direct primary care family medicine doctor in Orlando, Florida. The person who recommended Dr. Valez says that they are still requiring masking, although, they add, “were wearing surgical masks” (i.e. not necessarily wearing N95 or better).
Dr. Valez’ website still displays the page with their Covid policies, which says, in part:
Due to the rapid surge in cases which are now mostly the Delta Variant, I have decided to implement stricter covid screenings and measures at the office once again.
-We will attempt to have most visits be televideo or phone consultations unless there needs to be a specific exam done at the office. Please keep this in mind when scheduling.
-As always, we will continue to do our Covid screening questions prior to an in office visit. Please be on lookout for the text and fill out online, prior to your appt time.
-We will continue to require a properly worn mask at all times while in the office unless directed by me to remove it.
-We will no longer allow additional visitors in office unless it is a pediatric member with their parent. Please plan accordingly.
-Please remember to wait in your vehicle and call/text us when you arrive. When I am ready for you. then we will call/text you to come into the office.
-All in office visits are by appointment only. Please do not come to the office unannounced.
The page also says “Lastly, I will continue to urge any of you who have not yet been vaccinated for Covid-19 to do so. If you have any questions/concerns please reach out to me. There is a lot of misinformation out there. I can answer questions free of judgement and give you the true scientific facts. Vaccines are now available for ages 12 yrs old and up. They are free and are available at all retail pharmacies as well as local community vaccination locations. No appointment is needed. Please continue to wear a mask even if vaccinated- especially indoors or around crowds of people.”
(We note that the page was last updated in the summer of 2021.)
Dr. Tania Valez
Valez Family Health
1601 Park Center Drive
Orlando, FL, 32835
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