Abrome self-directed alternative education for youth ages 5 through 19 has been recommended as a Covid-safe provider of alternative education services in Austin, Texas. Here’s why Abrome has been recommended.
The Director of Abrome, Antonio Buehler, has confirmed that all of the Covid measures on their site are still in place as of the date of this posting. From the Abrome site:
Abrome uses a multilayered approach to protection that centers the needs of those most impacted. Abrome has been using a multilayered approach since the spring of 2020, leaning more heavily on the practices that were more accessible and protective based on our evolving understanding of the pandemic, as well as local conditions at any given time. All of the following mitigation strategies that will be employed at Abrome this year reduce the risk of COVID transmission. They are bucketed under the five categories of masking, air quality, physical distancing, testing, and vaccination. Please see our pandemic plan for greater detail.
All individuals at Abrome (including guardians and visitors) will wear masks whenever we are indoors, and any time we are close to one another outdoors above the lowest risk level. The only options for masks indoors are KF94s, KN95s, or N95s (or higher filtration masks or respirators). Masks must be kept on indoors at all times except for brief sips of water. All snacks and meals must be eaten outdoors.
Decreasing density: The facility and each room, respectively, has a max capacity based on 6’ circles at lower rates of transmission. We will gradually decrease the number of people who can be indoors at any given time as local spread increases.
Cohorting: At higher risk levels we will meet in separate cells. There will be no contact between or mixing of people from one cell to another on any given day.
Going outdoors: As cases rise, and based on the number of enrolled people at Abrome, more people will join cohorts that go outdoors.
Quarantine and isolation: Our quarantine and isolation periods run at least seven and ten days, respectively, and include a test out requirement.
Remote support: Young people who are isolating or quarantining will have check-ins with a Facilitator at the Abromie’s discretion. If an entire cell needs to go remote, the quarantining Facilitator(s) will support Abromies with remote meetings and offerings. If Abrome is forced to go entirely remote, Facilitators will support Abromies with meetings, offerings, and one-on-one check-ins.
Paid sick time off: There is no limit to the number of days Facilitators will stay home during the year for quarantine or isolation.
Ventilation: We ensure that all rooms are well-ventilated by cracking or opening doors and windows as necessary to create a crossflow of fresh air, and using fans to increase the outflow of air. We use CO2 monitor readings as a proxy for ventilation, and will vacate rooms if they hit 800 ppm.
Filtration: Each room is equipped with at least one HEPA purifier or Corsi-Rosenthal box, producing in excess of 12 air changes per hour (ACH) in filtration. 12 ACH is the hospital isolation room standard.
Daily screenings: Each member of the Abrome community must complete a quick daily screening questionnaire before arriving each day.
Surveillance testing: This year we are adding daily LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification) molecular surveillance testing. Each household of every enrolled person and Facilitator will pool their samples each morning at home, and then those pooled samples will be tested after drop-off.
Diagnostic testing: Anyone who does not pass the daily screening questionnaire, or believes they may be infected or may have been exposed to an infected person, or is in a household pool that comes back positive on the daily LAMP test will be directed to begin diagnostic testing with PCR or rapid antigen tests.
We have a vaccination mandate except in very rare cases of medical necessity. 100% of our community is vaccinated and up-to-date on COVID vaccines.
10201 Aqua Azul Ct,
Austin, TX 78733
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