Dr. David Haynes-Weller of the Well-Red Lion Psychology has been recommended as a Covid-safe psychologist and mental health therapist in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. Dr. Haynes-Weller has been recommended based on the personal experience of the recommender. A therapist is considered Covid-safe if they not only offer Covid-safe services but are also known to be supportive of their clients taking Covid seriously and taking whatever precautions work for them to avoid Covid.
The person who recommended Dr. Haynes-Weller notes that he offers both telehealth appointments and that he will provide in-person sessions outside on the porch when the weather permits. They also note that he has a HEPA filter in his office, and that he will mask if requested, although the practice does not have a mask requirement. They also mention that he is validating of the precautions that they take to avoid Covid.
Dr. David Haynes-Weller
The Well-Red Lion Psychology
30 East Broadway,
Red Lion, PA 17356
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